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Notices, Agenda & Minutes

Agenda - 2025:
Agenda-January 14th
Agenda-January 28th
Agenda-February 11th
Agenda-February 18th
Agenda-February 25th-cancelled
Agenda-March 11th
Agenda-March 18th
Agenda-March 25th

Minutes 2025:

Minutes, January 14th
Minutes, January 28th
Minutes, February 11th
Minutes, February 18th

Notices for City Council Meetings - 2025:

City Council Meeting Schedule for 2025
PUBLIC HEARING-January 28th-Zoning Land Use Regulations

PUBLIC HEARING-February 11th-Zone Text
Notice-Adopted 2025-1-Amend Zoning Map-C-2 to MUW-2700 N Hwy 89
Notice-Adopted 2025-5-Amend Zone Map-CPUD overlay on C-2 & CP-2 areas
PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICES-March 11th-Zone Text amendment, Rezone & Budget Amendment
Notice-Adopted 2025-6-Limited Single-Family Residential (LSFR) Zone
Notice-Adopted 2025-7-Amend General Plan-Low Density to Medium Density and Agriculture-west of White Barn
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE-CC April 8, 2025-rezone request
Notice-Adopted 2025-9-Amended General Plan-Community Character Table
Notice-Adopted 2025-10-Rezone A-5 to A-2-4300 N 500 W
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - CC April 8, 2025-zone text amendment request


Agenda - 2024:

Agenda-January 9th
Agenda-January 23rd
Agenda-February 13th
Agenda-February 20th
Agenda-March 12th
Agenda-March 19th-special meeting
Agenda-March 26th
Agenda-April 23rd
Agenda-April 23 (RDA)
Agenda-May 14th
Agenda-May 14th (RDA)
Agenda-May 28th
Agenda-June 11th-special meeting
Agenda-June 11th
Agenda-June 11th (RDA)
Agenda-June 18th-special meeting

Agenda-June 25th
Agenda-June 25th (RDA)
Agenda-July 9th-special meeting

Agenda-July 9th
Agenda, July 23th
Agenda, August 13th (Truth in Taxation meeting)
Agenda, August 13th (regular meeting)
Agenda, August 27th
Agenda, September 10th
Agenda, September 24th (canceled)

Agenda, October 8th
Agenda, October 29th

Agenda, November 12th
Agenda, November 26th

Agenda, December 10th

Minutes 2024:
Minutes, January 9th
Minutes, January 23rd
Minutes, February 13th
Minutes, February 20th
Minutes, March 12th
Minutes, March 19th
Minutes, March 26th.pdf
Minutes, April 23rd
Minutes, April 23rd (RDA)
Minutes, May 14th
Minutes, May 14th (RDA)
Minutes, May 28th
Minutes, June 11th
Minutes, June 11th (special meeting)
Minutes, June 11th (RDA)
Minutes, June 18th
Minutes, June 25th
Minutes, July 9th
Minutes, July 9th (special meeting)

Minutes, August 13th - TNT
Minutes, August 13th
Minutes, August 27th
Minutes, September 10th
Minutes, October 8th

Minutes, October 29th
Minutes, November 12th
Minutes, November 26th
Minutes, December 10th

Notices for City Council Meetings - 2024:
NOTICE for January 9, 2024-Subdivision Code Change
NOTICE for January 23, 2024-General Plan Amendment-Transportation Master Plan, Impact Fee Facilities Plan & Impact Fee Analysis
NOTICE-City Council Meeting Annual Calendar
NOTICE-adopted 2024-1-General Plan Amendment-Master Street Plan-west of HWY 89
NOTICE-adopted 2024-2-Subdivision Amendment-compliance with State

NOTICE for January 23, 2024-Rezone A-5 to RE-20 north of 4300 N area
NOTICE-Fireworks RFP-due February 13, 2024 
NOTICE-adopted 2024-3-Transportation Master Plan & Impact Fee & Analysis (1 of 2)
NOTICE-adopted 2024-3-Transportation Master Plan & Impact Fee & Analysis (2 of 2)
NOTICE-adopted 2024-5-Animal Ordinance Amendment-roosters and crowing hens
NOTICE for February 20, 2024-Public Hearing Notice to amend budget
NOTICE for March 12, 2024-Public Hearing to amend the Subdivision Ordinance.
NOTICE-adopted 2024-6-Park Regulations Ordinance update
NOTICE-for March 12, 2024-Public Hearing to amend the budget
NOTICE-adopted 2024-7-Title 17-Concept Plan to Pre-Application Plan
NOTICE-adopted 2024-8-Title 13-Delinquent Utility Accounts
NOTICE-adopted 2024-9-Chapter 13.12-Culinary Water-remove fees from ordinance
NOTICE-for April 23, 2024-Public Hearing to amend budget
NOTICE-for April 23, 2024-Public Hearing to enact Transportation Impact Fees
Ordinance 2024-3 for Public Hearing April 26, 2024-Transportation Master Plan & Impact Fee & Analysis (1 of 2)
Ordinance 2024-3 for Public Hearing April 26, 2024-Transportation Master Plan & Impact Fee & Analysis (2 of 2)
NOTICE-adopted 2024-10-Enact Transportation Impact Fees
NOTICE-adopted 2024-11-Dissolving PV Business Park Economic Development Area created in 2005
NOTICE-adopt 2024-12-Dissolving the 2700 N CDA Area created in 2015
NOTICE-for May 14 2024-amend budget.
NOTICE-for May 28 2024 -Compensation of elective and statutory officers
NOTICE-for June 11, 2024-Public Hearings to amend and adopt budgets for the City Council & RDA
NOTICE-adopted 24-13-Compensation Increases for Executive Municipal Officers
NOTICE-for June 11, 2024-Peakview Subdivision 1st Amendment

NOTICE-for August 13, 2024-Notice of Proposed Tax Increase
Notice-for August 27 2024 -Budget amend
Notice-for August 27 2024 -Compensation of elective and statutory officers

Notice-adopted Ord.2024-15-Park regulations-removing bounce houses
NOTICE-for August 13 2024-General Plan Amendment
NOTICE-for October 8 2024-Compensation of elective and statutory officers
NOTICES-for October 29 2024 - Zoning Text & General Plan amendments
NOTICE-Adopted Ordinance 2024-19-Amend Compensations Increases for Executive Municipal Officers
NOTICE-Adopted Ordinance 2024-20-Amend Title 18-create Planned Unit Development Overlay Zone (CPUD)
NOTICE-for November 26, 2024-amend budget
NOTICE-Adopt Ordinance 2024-23-Zone Text change-add parking clause in commercial and manufacturing zones
NOTICE-Adopt 2024-24-General Plan-Amend Community Character Land Use Classification
NOTICE-ADOPT 2024-24-General Plan-Amend Rural 5 to Rural 2-540 W 4300 N

Adopted Tentative Budget on May 14th


Agenda - 2023:
Agenda, January 10th
Agenda, January 24th
Agenda, February 11th
Agenda, February 21st
Agenda, March 14th
Agenda, March 28th
Agenda, March 29th-special meeting
Agenda, April 11th 
Agenda, April 25th 

Agenda, May 23rd-special meeting
Agenda, May 23rd
Agenda, May 23rd - RDA
Agenda, June 13th
Agenda, June 13th - RDA

Agenda, June 27th
Agenda, July 11th - special meeting
Agenda, July 11th

Agenda, July 25th
Agenda, August 8th
Agenda, August 22nd-cancelled
Agenda, September 12th
Agenda, September 26th
Agenda, October 10th
Agenda, October 24th
Agenda, November 4th-special meeting
Agenda, November 14th
Agenda, December 5th
Agenda, December 12th

Minutes 2023:

Minutes, January 10th
Minutes, January 24th
Minutes, February 11-special meeting
Minutes, February 21st
Minutes, March 14th
Minutes, March 28th 
Minutes, March 29th-special meeting

Minutes, April 11th
Minutes, April 25th
Minutes, May 23rd

Minutes, May 23rd-special meeting
Minutes, May 23rd-RDA
Minutes, June 13th
Minutes, June 13-RDA
Minutes, June 27th
Minutes, July 11th-special meeting
Minutes, July 11th

Minutes, July 25th 
Minutes, August 8th
Minutes, September 12th
Minutes, September 26th
Minutes, October 10th
Minutes, October 24th
Minutes, November 4th-special meeting
Minutes, November 14th
Minutes, December 5th

Minutes, December 12th

Notices for City Council Meetings - 2023:
NOTICE for January 10th: rezone
NOTICE for February 21st: budget amendment
NOTICE for April 11th: vacate easement
NOTICE for April 11th: A-5 ordinance amendment
NOTICE for April 25th: city boundary adjustment
NOTICE for April 25th: adding daycares as a permitted use in RE-20 zone
NOTICE for May 23rd: rezone from RE-20 to R-1
NOTICE for May 23rd: rezone from C3 to C-2
NOTICE for May 23rd: amend MP-1 Ordinance by Removing Single Family Uses
NOTICE for May 23rd: Subdivision amendment for Municipal Utility Use
NOTICE for May 23rd: rezone from MCM to CP-3
NOTICE for June 13th: Budget adopt and amend

NOTICE for June 13th: Budget adopt and amend for RDA
NOTICE for June 13th: General Plan Amendment - Master Street Map
NOTICE for July 25th: Budget Amendment
NOTICE for October 10th: Budget Amendment
NOTICE for November 14: Budget amend

NOTICE that the Audit is Complete 2023

Notices - adopted Ordinances - advertisements 2023:
2023-8-Rezone C-3 to C-2
2023-9-Rezone MCM to CP-3
2023-10-Rezone RE-20 to R-1
2023-12-Amend Title 17 & 18 for Municipal Utilities
2023-13-Amend Purchasing Policy

Advertisement PVC City Hall ADA Project
Advertisement PVC 800 West Water Line Project
Advertisement PVC SD Crossing RR at 1325 W Project
Advertisement PVC 2023 Street Maintenance Project
2023-11-remove Single Family from MP-1 Zone
2023-14-Amend Master Street Plan
2023-15-Fire Code Update
2023-16-Amend Business License Ordinance

Agenda - 2022

Agenda, January 11th
Agenda, January 25th
Agenda, February 8th
Agenda, February 19-SPECIAL MEETING
Agenda, February 22nd
Agenda, March 8th
Agenda, March 15th
Agenda, March 22nd

Agenda, March 31st-SPECIAL MEETING
Agenda, April 12th
Agenda, April 13th-SPECIAL MEETING
Agenda, April 13th-SPECIAL MEETING (2)
Agenda, April 26th
Agenda, May 3rd-special meeting
Agenda, May 10th

Agenda, May 10th - RDA
Agenda, May 24th 
Agenda, June 2nd-special meeting
Agenda, June 14th
Agenda, June 14th - RDA
Agenda, June 28th
Agenda, July 12th-special meeting
Agenda, July 12th
Agenda, July 19th
Agenda, August 9th
Agenda, August 9th - RDA
Agenda, August 22nd-open house-special meeting
Agenda, August 30th
Agenda, September 13th
Agenda, September 27th
Agenda, October 11th
Agenda, October 25th
Agenda, November 1st
Agenda, November 3rd
Agenda, November 15th
Agenda, December 13th
Agenda, December 27th


Minutes, January 11th
Minutes, January 25th
Minutes, February 8th
Minutes, February 19th
Minutes, February 22nd
Minutes, March 8th
Minutes, March 15th-special meeting
Minutes, March 22nd
Minutes, April 12th
Minutes, April 13th-special meeting
Minutes, April 13th-special meeting (2)
Minutes, April 26th
Minutes, May 3rd-special meeting
Minutes, May 10th
Minutes, May 10th-RDA
Minutes, May 24th
Minutes, June 2nd-special meeting
Minutes, June 14th
Minutes, June 14th-RDA
Minutes, June 28th
Minutes, July 12th
Minutes, July 12th-special meeting
Minutes, July 19th
Minutes, August 9th
Minutes, August 22nd
Minutes, August 30th
Minutes, September 13th
Minutes, September 27th
Minutes, October 11th
Minutes, October 25th 
Minutes, November 1st
Minutes, November 3rd
Minutes, November 15th
Minutes, December 13th
Minutes, December 27th

Notices - 2022
Notice for City Council Jan 25th: Repeal and Amend Ordinances and a Rezone
Notice for City Council Feb 8th: Vacate easement in Heart of Pole Patch lot 17
Notice for City Council March 8th: remove driveway verbiage, modify cul-de-sac length requirement an curb-cuts for driveways 
Notice for City Council April 12th: posting requirements in the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances
Notice for City Council May 10th: vacate easement
Notice for City Council May 24th: amendment to Culdesac set backs
Notice for City Council June 14th: budget amendment and adoption & Water Conservation Plan
Notice for City Council June 14th: ordinance amendments
Notice for City Council June 14 2022: minor subdivision
Notice for City Council July 12: subdivision plat
Notice for City Council July 19 2022: assisted living ordinance amendments
Notice for City Council July 19 2022: Peakview subdivision
Notice for City Council August 9 2022: Rezone
Notice for City Council September 27, 2022: vacate easement
Notice for City Council October 11, 2022: budget amendment
Notice for City Council October 11, 2022: vacate easements
Notice for City Council October 25, 2022: vacate street

Notice for City Council November 1, 2022: rezone
Notice for City Council November 15, 2022: rezone
Notice for City Council November 1, 2022: preliminary subdivision
Notice for City Council November 15, 2022: budget amendment

Agenda - 2021
Agenda, January 12th
Agenda, January 26th
Agenda, January 26th - RDA
Agenda, February 9th
Agenda, February 16th
Agenda, March 9
Agenda, March 11th
Agenda, March 23rd
Agenda, April 13th
Agenda, April 14th
Agenda, April 27th
Agenda, May 11th
Agenda, May 11th - RDA
Agenda, May 13th - special meeting
Agenda, May 25th
Agenda, May 25th-RDA 
Agenda, June 8th
Agenda, June 8th-RDA
Agenda, June 10th-special meeting
Agenda, June 22nd
Agenda, July 13th
Agenda, July 27th-special meeting
Agenda, July 27th
Agenda, August 10th
Agenda, August 24th
Agenda, September 14th
Agenda, September 28th
Agenda, October 12th
Agenda, October 12th RDA
Agenda, October 19th SPECIAL MEETING
Agenda, October 26th
Agenda, October 26th RDA
Agenda, November 9th

Agenda, November 16th SPECIAL MEETING
Agenda, November 30th
Agenda, December 14th
Agenda, December 28th
Agenda, December 28th -RDA

Minutes - 2021
City Council Minutes, January 12th
City Council Minutes, January 26th
RDA Minutes, January 26th
City Council Minutes, February 9th
City Council Minutes, February 16th
City Council Minutes, March 9th
City Council Minutes, March 11th
City Council Meeting, March 23rd
City Council Minutes, April 13
City Council Minutes, April 27th
City Council Minutes, May 11th
RDA Minutes, May 11th
City Council Minutes, May 13th
City Council Minutes, May 25th
City Council Minutes, June 8th
City Council Minutes, June 10th
City Council Minutes, June 22nd
City Council Minutes, July 13th
City Council Minutes, July 27th
City Council Minutes, July 27th-special meeting
City Council Minutes, August 10th
City Council Minutes, August 24th
City Council Minutes, September 28th
City Council Minutes, September 19th-special meeting
City Council Minutes, October 12th
City Council Minutes, October 26th
City Council Minutes, November 9th
City Council Minutes, November 16th
City Council Minutes, November 30th
City Council Minutes, December 14th
City Council Minutes, December 28th

Notices - 2021
Rezone from C-2 to RE-15 at 1325 W Hwy 89 for January 12, 2021
Preliminary Subdivision - Rockwell Estates at 3200 N between 600 W and 700 W for January 26, 2021
Preliminary Subdivision - Oman Estates at triangle parcel between PV Drive, Elberta Dr and 600 W for January 26, 2021
Rulon White Business Park Subdivision at 2700 N and Rulon White Blvd for January 26, 2021
Rezone from A-2 to RE-20 at 1573 W Pleasant View Drive on parcel #19-014-0005-Budge Farms
Street Lighting Standards
Preliminary Subdivision-Osage Court at 1325 W Hwy 89
Dean Rezone RE-20 to RE-15 at 3230 N 1000 W
Preliminary Subdivision-Budge Farms Phase 2 at 3075 N 1375 W
PUBLIC HEARING  for Budget amendment & adoption notice for June 8th
Dixon Rezone at 344 W Pleasant View Drive from RE-20 to RE-15 for June 22nd
Mix Use West Zone Amendment for June 22nd
Rezone on 1000 W, along Pleasant View Drive and on 850 W to clean up split zoning for July 27, 2021
Truth in Taxation public hearing notice for August 10, 2021
A-5 Ordinance Amendment for August 24, 2021
Mixed Use Ordinance Amendment for August 2021
Notice for Mixed Use East for November 9, 2021
Notice for Mixed Use West for November 9, 2021
Notice for Mixed Use East ordinance amendment for November 9, 2021
Notice for rezone at approx. 3453 N 1000 W for November 9, 2021
Notice for Repealing Chapters 18.26 C-1 & 18.28 C-2 & vacating an easement within Heart of Pole Patch Ph2 for November 23, 2021
Notice for the Storm Water Management Plan for November 30th
Notice for Repealing Chapters 18.26 C-1 & 18.28 C-2 & vacating an easement within Heart of Pole Patch PH2 for November 30th
Public Hearings: create a new A-4 zoning ordinance & Rezone of property to A-4 for December 28th

genda - 2020
Agenda, January 14th
Agenda, January 28
Agenda, February 11th
Agenda, February 18th
Agenda, March 3rd
Agenda, March 10th 
Agenda, March 24th 
Agenda, April 7th
Agenda, April 14th
Agenda, April 28th
Agenda, May 12th
Agenda, May 12th, (RDA)
Agenda, May 19th
Agenda, May 26th
Agenda, June 9th
Agenda, June 9th (RDA)
Agenda, June 17th
Agenda, June 23rd
Agenda July 7th
Agenda, July 28th & Electronic Meeting Determination
Agenda, August 4th & Electronic Meeting Determination
Agenda, August 11th Electronic Meeting Determination
Agenda, Aug 18th - joint meeting & Electronic Meeting Determination
Agenda, August 25th  & Determination for Electronic Meetings
Agenda, September 8th Determination for Electronic Meetings
Agenda, September 15th Determination for Electronic Meetings
Agenda, September 22nd
Agenda, October 13th
Agenda, October 21st - joint meeting
Agenda, October 27th
Agenda, November 10th
Agenda, November 10th - RDA
Agenda, November 14th special meeting & 
Determination for electronic meetings 
Agenda, November 24th
Agenda, December 8th
Agenda, December 14th
Agenda, December 15th
Agenda, December 22nd

Minutes - 2020
City Council Minutes, January 14th
City Council Minutes, January 28th
City Council Minutes, February 11th
City Council Minutes - February 18th

City Council Minutes - March 3rd
City Council Minutes, March 10th
City Council Minutes, April 7th
City Council Minutes, April 14th
City Council Minutes, April 28th
City Council Minutes, May 12th
Minutes, May 12th (RDA)
City Council Minutes, May 19th 
City Council Minutes, May 26th
City Council Minutes, June 9th
Minutes, June 9th - RDA
City Council Minutes, May 22nd
City Council Minutes, June 17th
City Council Minutes, June 23rd
City Council Minutes, July 7th
City Council Minutes, July 28
City Council Minutes, August 4
City Council Minutes, August 11th
City Council Minutes, August 18th
City Council Minutes, August 25th
City Council Minutes, September 8th
City Council Minutes, September 15th joint meeting
City Council Minutes, September 22nd
City Council Minutes, October 13th
City Council Minutes, October 21st - joint meeting
City Council Minutes, October 27th
City Council Minutes, November 10th
City Council Minutes, November 14th
City Council Minutes, November 24th
City Council Minutes, December 8th
City Council Minutes, December 22nd 

Notices - 2020
May 22nd @ noon - 3 Council Members taking tour of Recycled Earth
Public Notices for the January 14 city council meeting
City Council meeting schedule for 2020
Public Notice for the March 10th City Council meeting
Rezone Notice for the May 12th City Council Meeting
Rezone Notice for the May 12th City Council Meeting
Rezone Notices (2) for May 26 City Council Meeting
Budget Public Hearing Notices (2) for June 9 City Council Meeting
Rezone Notice for the June 23rd City Council Meeting
Rezone Notice for the July 28th City Council Meeting
Vacating Easement Notice for the July 28th City Council Mtg
Subdivision Notice for the July 28th City Council Meeting
Truth in Taxation Notice for the August 11th City Council Mtg

Used Car Lot Conditions for the September 22nd City Council Mtg
Four lot subdivision for the September 22nd City Council Mtg
Online Auto Parking Lot Storage Uses for the September 22nd City Council Mtg
Rezone for the October 27th City Council Mtg - for properties along 2700 N
Rezone for the October 27th City Council Mtg - for property at 973 W 3200 N
Rezone on 2700 N, parcel #17-063-0029 for the Dec 8th City Council Meeting

Agenda - 2019

Agenda, January 8th
Agenda, January 22nd (RDA)
Agenda, January 22nd
Agenda, February 2nd
Agenda, February 12th
Agenda, February 26th 
Agenda, March 12th
Agenda, March 26th
Agenda, April 9th (RDA)
Agenda, April 9th
Agenda, May 14th
Agenda, May 28th (RDA)
Agenda, May 28th
Agenda, June 11th (RDA)
Agenda, June 11th

Agenda, July 9th
Agenda, August 1st
Agenda, August 13th (RDA)
Agenda, August 13th
Agenda, August 27th
Agenda, September 7th
Agenda, September 10th
Agenda, September 12th
Agenda, September 24th
Agenda, September 25th
Agenda, October 8th
Agenda, October 8th (RDA)
Agenda, October 22nd
Agenda, November 12th

Agenda, November 19th
Agenda, December 10th
Agenda, December 10th (RDA)

Minutes - 2019

City Council Minutes, January 8th
City Council Minutes, January 22nd
RDA Minutes, January 22nd
City Council Minutes, February 2nd
City Council Minutes, February 12th
City Council Minutes, March 12th
City Council Minutes, March 26th
City Council Minutes, April 9th
RDA Minutes, April 9th
City Council Minutes, May 14th
City Council Minutes, May 28th
RDA Minutes, May 28th
City Council Minutes, June 11th
RDA Minutes, June 11th
City Council Minutes, July 9th
City Council Minutes, August 13th
RDA Minutes, August 13th
City Council Minutes, August 27th
City Council Minutes, September 7th
City Council Minutes, September 10th
City Council Minutes, September 24th
City Council Mintues, September 25th
City Council Minutes, October 8th
City Council Minutes, October 22nd
City Council Minutes, November 12th
City Council Minutes, November 19th
City Council Minutes, December 10th
RDA Minutes, December 10th

Notices - 2019
Mid-term vacancy in council 2019
Public Notices for February 12th
Chapter 13 Storm Water amendments
Public Notices (2) for March 12th
Elections 2019-Notice of Offices and Filling Dates

Agenda - 2018

Agenda, January 9, 2018

Agenda, January 10, 2018
Agenda, January 23, 2018
Agenda, January 30, 2018
Agenda, February 13, 2018
Agenda, February 21, 2018 Special Meeting
Agenda, March 13, 2018
Agenda, March 27, 2018
Agenda, March 27, 2018 RDA
Agenda, March 29, 2018 Founder's Day Meeting
Agenda, April 10, 2018
Agenda, April 30, 2018 Founder's Day Meeting
Agenda, May 8, 2018
Agenda, May 8, 2018 RDA
Agenda, May 15,2018 
Agenda, May 22, 2018
Agenda, May 29, 2018
Agenda, June 4, 2018
Agenda, June 12, 2018
Agenda, June 12, 2018 RDA
Agenda, June 21, 2018
Agenda, June 21, 2018 Special Meeting
Agenda, July 9, 2018 Founders Day Meeting
Agenda, July 10, 2018
Agenda, Open House August 9, 2018 (Discussion Only)
Agenda, August 14, 2018
Agenda, August 28, 2018
Agenda, September 11, 2018
Agenda, September 11, 2018 RDA
Agenda, September 25, 2018
Agenda, October 9, 2018
Agenda, October 9, 2018 RDA
Agenda, November 13, 2018
Agenda, November 14, 2018
Agenda, November 27, 2018
Agenda, December 11, 2018
agenda, December 11, 2018 RDA

Minutes - 2018
City Council Minutes, January 9th
City Council Minutes, January 10th
City Council Minutes, January 23rd
City Council Minutes, February 13th
City Council Minutes, February 21st
City Council Minutes, March 27th
City Council Minutes, April 10th
City Council Minutes, April 30th
City Council Minutes, May 8th
City Council Minutes, May 15th, Special Meeting
City Council Minutes, May 22nd
City Council Minutes, May 29th, Special Meeting
City Council Minutes, June 4th, Founder's Day Meeting
City Council Combined Minutes, June 7th
City Council Minutes, June 12th
City Council Minutes, June 21st
City Council Minutes, July 10th
City Council Minutes, August 14th
City Council Minutes, August 28th
City Council Minutes, September 11th
City Council Minutes, September 25th
City Council Minutes, October 9th
Redevelopment Agency Minutes, October 9th
City Council Minutes, November 13th
City Council Minutes, November 27th
City Council Minutes, December 11th
Redevelopment Agency Minutes, December 11th

Plesant View landscape image